In Spanish, "sutileza" refers to the quality of being subtle, delicate, or nuanced. It is often used to describe things that require careful attention to detail or that have understated qualities. The term can pertain to various contexts, including general conversation, literature, and even technical or legal discussions that imply a need for nuance or precision.
"Sutileza" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in written forms (such as literature or formal writing) due to its slightly elevated style.
The subtlety of his argument was appreciated by all attendees.
La sutileza de los detalles en la pintura la hace única.
The fineness of the details in the painting makes it unique.
El abogado utilizó una sutileza legal para ganar el caso.
"Sutileza" is not commonly used in established idiomatic expressions, but it can be associated with phrases where nuances or delicacies are critical.
In art, every subtlety counts to convey the message.
A veces, una sutileza en la comunicación es más efectiva que una declaración directa.
Sometimes, a nuance in communication is more effective than a direct statement.
La sutileza de la diplomacia puede cambiar el rumbo de una negociación.
The word "sutileza" comes from the Latin word "subtilitas," which means fineness or thinness. The root "subtilis" means "fine" or "delicate," which reflects the modern understanding of the term in both English and Spanish.
"Sutileza" effectively captures the notion of complexity and refinement in various discussions, making it a valuable term in multiple domains.