taba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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taba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "taba" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "taba" can be translated into English as "tab" or "pack" depending on the context. In specific contexts, such as in anatomy or Colombian vernacular, it may refer to something different.

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "taba" can refer to different meanings based on the context:

  1. General Use: In some Latin American countries, "taba" can refer to a tab or a bill, as in a restaurant bill.
  2. Anatomy: In an anatomical context, "taba" refers specifically to the anatomical term for a tendon.
  3. Colombian Vernacular: In the Colombian vernacular, "taba" colloquially refers to a commonly used object or tool, such as a "tab" in everyday conversation.

The frequency of use varies, with "taba" being more common in oral speech, especially in colloquial contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: "Voy a pedir la taba para la cuenta." English: "I am going to ask for the tab for the bill."

  2. Spanish: "El médico dijo que el problema está en la taba del pie." English: "The doctor said that the problem is in the tendon of the foot."

  3. Spanish: "Mira cómo está la taba; necesita reparaciones." English: "Look at how the tab is; it needs repairs."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "taba" is not as prevalent in idiomatic expressions, it can still be involved in colloquial phrases, especially in Colombian dialect. Here are some example sentences with considerations of idiomatic expressions:

  1. Spanish: "No dejes que la taba te hunda; siempre hay una salida." English: "Don't let the tab drown you; there is always a way out."

  2. Spanish: "Con una buena taba, siempre sabrás cuánto debes." English: "With a good tab, you will always know how much you owe."


The word "taba" has roots in the Latin word "tabula," which means a board or flat surface. Its evolution in Spanish reflects its different uses in various contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


