tabarra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tabarra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Tabarra" is a colloquial term used primarily in some Spanish-speaking countries to refer to something that is bothersome or annoying. It can describe a person, situation, or anything that causes irritation or discomfort. The term is more frequently used in oral speech than in written contexts. This word embodies the frustration felt when something is persistently irritating or bothersome.

Frequency of Use

"Tabarra" is relatively popular in colloquial conversations, often used among friends and in casual settings to express mild annoyance.

Example Sentences

  1. "Esa música a todo volumen es una tabarra."
  2. "That loud music is such a nuisance."

  3. "No me hables de tus problemas, que me está dando tabarra."

  4. "Don't talk to me about your problems, it's bothering me."

  5. "Los constantes avisos del celular son una tabarra."

  6. "The constant notifications from the phone are an annoyance."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Tabarra" is not commonly found in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it is often used in conjunction with other phrases to express annoyance.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Context

  1. "Siempre tienes una tabarra que contar."
  2. "You always have a bother to share."

  3. "La gente que se queja todo el tiempo es una tabarra."

  4. "People who complain all the time are a nuisance."

  5. "No quiero más tabarras, por favor."

  6. "I don't want any more annoyances, please."

  7. "Esa película fue una tabarra total."

  8. "That movie was a complete bother."


The term "tabarra" has uncertain origins, but it is believed to derive from the Spanish dialects influenced by regional uses, possibly relating to the verb "atar," which can mean to bind or annoy someone with trivial matters.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "tabarra" in a colloquial context, including its meanings, usage frequency, idiomatic expressions, and more.
