taberna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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taberna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Taberna" refers to a place where drinks are served, traditionally a type of establishment that offers both beverages (especially alcohol) and sometimes food. It often evokes a rustic or casual ambiance, reminiscent of community and socialization. In modern usage, while it is still relevant, the word can be somewhat more historical or cultural, as many such establishments are now termed "bar" or "pub". It is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more prevalent in literary or cultural discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La taberna del pueblo siempre está llena de gente.
    The village tavern is always full of people.

  2. Nos reunimos en la taberna para celebrar su cumpleaños.
    We gathered at the tavern to celebrate his birthday.

  3. En la taberna cuentan historias de tiempos antiguos.
    In the tavern, they tell stories from ancient times.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "taberna" can be found in various idiomatic expressions and cultural references, often symbolizing community, festivity, or nostalgia. Here are some notable expressions:

  1. Ir a la taberna
  2. Siempre vamos a la taberna después del trabajo.
    We always go to the tavern after work.

  3. Pedir una ronda en la taberna

  4. Él decidió pedir una ronda en la taberna para todos.
    He decided to buy a round at the tavern for everyone.

  5. Los secretos de la taberna

  6. Los secretos de la taberna se cuentan en voz baja.
    The secrets of the tavern are whispered softly.

  7. Pasar la tarde en la taberna

  8. A veces me gusta pasar la tarde en la taberna con amigos.
    Sometimes I enjoy spending the afternoon at the tavern with friends.


The word "taberna" is rooted in the Latin taberna, meaning a shop or a hut, which has evolved in its application over time to refer specifically to a drinking establishment. This indicates a historical context of such venues being community-oriented spaces that provide not just nourishment but also social interaction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Bar - Pub - Cantina

Antonyms: - Restaurante (Restaurant) - Comedor (Diner)

This covers comprehensive information regarding the term "taberna," highlighting its meaning, usage, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
