tabique - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tabique (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Tabique" is a noun in Spanish that primarily refers to a partition or a dividing wall, often used in the context of construction to describe a thin wall separating rooms or spaces. In the medical field, "tabique" can refer to a septum, especially in anatomy, such as the nasal septum or the septum in the heart. The word is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to architecture, construction, and anatomy.

Example Sentences

  1. El tabique en la casa separa la sala del comedor.
  2. The partition in the house separates the living room from the dining room.

  3. Es importante que el tabique nasal esté bien alineado para una buena respiración.

  4. It's important that the nasal septum is properly aligned for good breathing.

  5. Los tabiques de yeso son fáciles de instalar y pueden crear espacios flexibles.

  6. Gypsum partitions are easy to install and can create flexible spaces.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tabique" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, its concept can be interrelated in discussions about separation or barriers. Here are some related phrases and their applications:

  1. "Tener un tabique entre nosotros"
  2. "To have a partition between us"
  3. Meaning: To have a barrier or misunderstanding affecting communication.
  4. Example: "Desde la discusión, parece que tenemos un tabique entre nosotros."
  5. "Since the argument, it seems we have a partition between us."

  6. "Romper el tabique"

  7. "To break the partition"
  8. Meaning: To overcome barriers in understanding or relationships.
  9. Example: "Tuvimos que romper el tabique en nuestra comunicación para resolver el conflicto."
  10. "We had to break the partition in our communication to resolve the conflict."

  11. "No dejar espacio para el tabique"

  12. "Not leaving room for the partition"
  13. Meaning: To ensure there are no barriers or misunderstandings.
  14. Example: "Quiero que hablemos abiertamente y no dejemos espacio para el tabique."
  15. "I want us to talk openly and leave no room for misunderstandings."


The word "tabique" originates from the Latin "tabiculum," which is a diminutive form of "tabula," meaning "table" or "board." The transition from Latin to Spanish involved phonetic changes and semantic broadening, leading to its current meaning associated with partitions and separators.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Divisor - Separación - Pared delgada (thin wall)

Antonyms: - Unificación (unification) - Conexión (connection) - Apertura (opening)
