tablaje - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tablaje (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

tablaje: Noun (masculine)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

tablaje is a noun used in various contexts, primarily referring to a system or method of using boards or planks, often in construction or carpentry. It denotes the act of covering or creating a surface with boards. The word can also refer to a specific assembly or arrangement of boards.

Usage Frequency: The term is used moderately in both written and oral contexts, particularly in discussions related to construction, carpentry, or furniture making. It is more common in written texts, like manuals or technical documents.

Example Sentences: - El tablaje de la pared fue realizado con madera de roble. - The boarding of the wall was done with oak wood.

Idiomatic Expressions

While tablaje does not form many well-known idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various contexts that express construction or arrangement concepts. Here are a few relevant expressions involving related terms:


The word tablaje is derived from tabla, which in Spanish means "board" or "plank." The suffix -aje is often used in Spanish to denote a system or a collection related to the root word. Therefore, "tablaje" can be understood as the collection or system of boards.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ensamblaje (assembly) - Tablones (planks) - Cubierta (covering)

Antonyms: - Desmantelamiento (dismantling) - Desmontaje (disassembly)

This structured information offers a comprehensive understanding of the word tablaje in the Spanish language.
