tableta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tableta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sustantivo (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "tableta" primarily refers to a small, flat, and typically rectangular piece of material. In medical contexts, it commonly refers to a pill or a tablet used for dispensing medication. The term is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts in Spain and Latin America, including Argentina.

Frequency of Use

"Tableta" is a commonly used term in medical conversations, pharmacies, and healthcare settings. Its usage can be associated with both oral and written contexts, frequently appearing in prescriptions or discussions about medication.

Example Sentences

  1. Los médicos le recetaron una tableta para el dolor.
    (The doctors prescribed a tablet for the pain.)

  2. Siempre llevo una tableta de menta en mi bolsillo.
    (I always carry a mint tablet in my pocket.)

  3. La tableta de chocolate se derritió en el calor.
    (The chocolate tablet melted in the heat.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tableta" may not have a rich array of idiomatic expressions, here are some relevant phrases that incorporate the word:

  1. "No hay tableta para la falta de ganas."
    (There is no tablet for lack of motivation.)

  2. "Ese problema necesita más que una tableta de soluciones."
    (That problem needs more than a tablet of solutions.)

  3. "Cada tableta tiene su uso específico."
    (Every tablet has its specific use.)


The term "tableta" originates from the Latin word "tabula," which means "board" or "plank." Over time, it evolved to represent smaller, flat substances such as tablets or pills.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "tableta" is a multifunctional term commonly used in various contexts in Spanish, particularly in medical settings, and although it may not be part of numerous idiomatic expressions, it plays a significant role in everyday vocabulary.
