tacha - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tacha (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "tacha" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. stain
  2. blemish
  3. mark

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "tacha" primarily refers to a stain or blemish, often used in contexts to describe flaws or marks, particularly in written documents or evaluations. The term can also refer to an act of marking something for correction or deletion. In legal contexts, it refers to marks that can imply a defect or inconsistency in documents. Its usage frequency is moderate, seen in both oral and written forms, although it tends to appear more in formal written contexts, especially in academic or legal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La tacha en el informe provocó muchas preguntas.
  2. The stain on the report caused many questions.

  3. Es importante corregir la tacha en el contrato.

  4. It is important to correct the mark on the contract.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "tacha" is not as frequently found in idiomatic expressions, but it can be used within certain phrases related to faults or errors. Here are a few expressions involving "tacha":

  1. Tachar de la lista - To cross off the list.
  2. Ejemplo: Necesitamos tachar los nombres de los que ya han confirmado su asistencia.
  3. Example: We need to cross off the names of those who have already confirmed their attendance.

  4. No taches mis esfuerzos - Don't discount my efforts.

  5. Ejemplo: Siempre tachas mis esfuerzos, pero yo creo que son valiosos.
  6. Example: You always discount my efforts, but I think they are valuable.

  7. Tachar a alguien de - To label someone as.

  8. Ejemplo: No debes tachar a alguien de irresponsable sin conocer su situación.
  9. Example: You shouldn't label someone as irresponsible without knowing their situation.


The term "tacha" derives from the Latin "tachatio," which refers to a marking or a blemish, indicating a defect. It relates closely to the action of marking or correcting something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Mancha (stain) - Defecto (defect) - Error (error)

Antonyms - Perfección (perfection) - Correcto (correct) - Limpio (clean)

This comprehensive overview helps understand the usage, meaning, and application of the word "tacha" within various contexts in the Spanish language.
