tacita - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tacita (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "tacita" is a diminutive form of the Spanish word "taza," which means "cup." In Spanish, diminutives are often utilized to convey affection, smallness, or nuance. "Tacita" specifically refers to a small cup, often used for espresso or dessert servings.

The frequency of its use may vary, but it is commonly encountered in both oral and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions, cafes, or informal references to serving sizes.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gustaría tomar un café en una tacita.
    (I would like to have a coffee in a small cup.)

  2. Ella sirvió la crema en una tacita decorativa.
    (She served the cream in a decorative little cup.)

  3. No olvides poner la tacita en la mesa durante el desayuno.
    (Don't forget to place the small cup on the table during breakfast.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tacita" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in contexts that evoke warmth, care, or a homely atmosphere. Here are some examples featuring "tacita":

  1. El abuelito siempre nos daba una tacita de chocolate caliente al regresar de la escuela.
    (Grandpa always gave us a small cup of hot chocolate when we came back from school.)

  2. En la fiesta, los niños jugaban mientras las mamás charlaban con tacitas de café en la mano.
    (At the party, the kids played while the moms chatted with little cups of coffee in hand.)

  3. Una tacita de amor es suficiente para hacer el día más brillante.
    (A little cup of love is enough to make the day brighter.)


The word "tacita" derives from the Spanish language, stemming from "taza," which can be traced back to the Arabic “ṭāsah” (طاسة) meaning bowl or cup. The diminutive suffix “-ita” is a common way to form diminutive nouns in Spanish, indicating affection or smallness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Taza (cup) - Cucharita (small spoon, often used in a similar context)

Antonyms: - Tazón (bowl) - Vasija (vessel)

In conclusion, "tacita" is a charming term that represents a small cup and is utilized in both everyday language and contexts that carry sentiments of warmth and familiarity.
