tajante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tajante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Tajante is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, tajante typically describes something that is decisive, sharp, or leaves no room for discussion or ambiguity. It is often used to refer to a statement or action that is firm and leaves no doubt.

Frequency of Use

The term is moderately common, especially in written contexts such as legal documents, literature, or formal discussions. It may be less common in everyday oral speech but can be found in formal discourse when discussing authoritative statements or decisions.

Example Sentences

  1. Su respuesta fue tajante, no había lugar para más preguntas.
  2. His answer was decisive, there was no room for more questions.

  3. La regla es tajante: todos deben cumplir con el horario establecido.

  4. The rule is sharp: everyone must comply with the established schedule.

  5. El juez emitió un fallo tajante que dejó claro su posición sobre el asunto.

  6. The judge issued a categoric ruling that made his position on the matter clear.

Idiomatic Expressions

While tajante is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, its connotations of decisiveness and firmness can be explored through some phrases that reflect a similar sentiment. Here are a few example sentences:

  1. Con voz tajante, el profesor dijo que las faltas de asistencia no serían toleradas.
  2. With a sharp voice, the teacher said that absences would not be tolerated.

  3. Su declaración fue tan tajante que nadie se atrevió a discutirla.

  4. His statement was so decisive that no one dared to dispute it.

  5. No debemos olvidar que las decisiones deben ser tajantes para evitar confusiones.

  6. We must remember that decisions should be clear-cut to avoid confusion.

  7. La política de la empresa es tajante en cuanto a la seguridad de los empleados.

  8. The company's policy is categoric regarding employee safety.

  9. La advertencia fue tajante, y todos aceptaron las reglas de inmediato.

  10. The warning was sharp, and everyone accepted the rules immediately.

  11. El pronóstico del tiempo fue tajante sobre la llegada de la tormenta.

  12. The weather forecast was decisive about the arrival of the storm.


The word tajante comes from the verb tajear, which means "to cut" or "to slice." It’s derived from the Latin word tangere, meaning "to touch." The evolution of the term reflects its meaning of something that "cuts" through ambiguity with clarity and decisiveness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Decisivo (decisive) - Terminante (terminating) - Cortante (cutting)

Antonyms: - Indeciso (undecided) - Ambiguo (ambiguous) - Dubitativo (doubtful)
