tajo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tajo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Tajo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Cut
  2. Slash
  3. Edge
  4. Gorge
  5. Ravine

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, tajo primarily refers to a cut or slash, often indicating a sharp incision or a significant division. It can also refer to a geographical feature, such as a gorge or ravine. The term is utilized in different contexts including general language, polytechnical discussions (like cuts in materials), and colloquial expressions. The frequency of use can vary; tajo is frequently found in both oral and written contexts but is generally more common in informal, spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. El carpintero hizo un tajo en la madera para ajustarla.
    The carpenter made a cut in the wood to adjust it.

  2. El río había creado un tajo profundo en la montaña a lo largo de los años.
    The river had carved a deep gorge into the mountain over the years.

  3. Con un tajo rápido, la chef cortó las verduras.
    With a quick slash, the chef chopped the vegetables.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term tajo is commonly used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. A tajo limpio
    Refers to doing something decisively or without hesitation.
    Tomó una decisión a tajo limpio y no miró atrás.
    He made a decision decisively and didn’t look back.

  2. Tajo a tajo
    Used to denote the act of cutting or dividing something into pieces or portions gradually.
    El trabajo se completó tajo a tajo hasta el final del día.
    The work was completed piece by piece until the end of the day.

  3. De tajo
    Meaning "at once" or "in one go," often used to describe actions taken quickly or with urgency.
    Decidió vender su coche de tajo para tener dinero rápido.
    He decided to sell his car at once to get cash quickly.

  4. Cortar de tajo
    To cut something off decisively, often used in situations where something is ended abruptly.
    Cortó de tajo la charla y pasó al siguiente tema.
    He cut off the conversation and moved on to the next topic.

Additional Example Sentences with Idioms

  1. No hagas tajo en el trabajo
    Don't slack off at work.

  2. Me tiré a la piscina de tajo
    I jumped into the pool headfirst.


The word tajo comes from the Latin taxium, which means "to cut." Its usage evolved through the historical development of the Spanish language, often associated with various forms of sharp blows or divisions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: corte, desgajamiento (cut, breaking), hendidura (slit)
Antonyms: unión (union), enlace (link), continuidad (continuity)

Overall, tajo is a versatile noun used in various contexts, embodying both physical and metaphorical meanings related to cutting, dividing, and incising.
