tal cual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tal cual (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Tal cual" is a phrase that acts as an adverbial expression in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/tal kwal/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

"Tal cual" translates to indicating that something is as it is, without changes or modifications. It is commonly used to stress that a statement or situation is being presented in its truest form. The phrase is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, often in informal conversations, but is also seen in formal discussions and legal contexts to assert the accuracy or exactness of a condition or statement.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito que lo hagas tal cual te lo dije.
  2. I need you to do it just as I told you.

  3. El contrato fue firmado tal cual se acordó.

  4. The contract was signed exactly as agreed.

  5. La foto llegó tal cual la envié, sin retoques.

  6. The photo arrived just like I sent it, without retouching.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tal cual" itself is a standalone expression, it can be incorporated into broader phrases or expressions that emphasize precision or unchanged conditions:

  1. "Así está tal cual"
  2. "That's how it is just like that."

  3. "Hazlo tal cual lo mencioné"

  4. "Do it just like I mentioned."

  5. "Lo que ves es tal cual es"

  6. "What you see is exactly as it is."

  7. "La presentación se hizo tal cual se planeó"

  8. "The presentation was done just as it was planned."

  9. "El informe fue entregado tal cual se esperaba"

  10. "The report was delivered exactly as expected."


The phrase "tal cual" derives from the Spanish words "tal" meaning "such" or "that kind" and "cual," meaning "which" or "as." This combination articulates a specific notion of sameness or unaltered state.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "tal cual" is a versatile expression used to emphasize accuracy and unaltered states across various contexts, merging easily into both informal and formal discourse in Spanish.
