tal vez - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tal vez (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Tal vez" is a phrase that functions as an adverbial expression in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/tal βes/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Tal vez" is used to express uncertainty or possibility regarding an event or situation. It indicates that something may happen but isn't certain. In Spanish, it is often used in both oral and written contexts, although it is slightly more common in informal spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. Tal vez voy al cine esta noche.
    Maybe I'll go to the cinema tonight.

  2. No estoy seguro, tal vez llueva mañana.
    I'm not sure, maybe it will rain tomorrow.

  3. Tal vez deberíamos pedir otra ronda de bebidas.
    Perhaps we should order another round of drinks.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tal vez" itself is not part of many idiomatic expressions, it can be found in contexts reflecting uncertainty or suggestion. Here are some sentences using similar ideas of uncertainty:

  1. Tal vez no sea tan fácil como piensas.
    Maybe it's not as easy as you think.

  2. Tal vez mañana tenga más tiempo.
    Perhaps tomorrow I will have more time.

  3. Creo que tal vez deberías intentarlo de nuevo.
    I think maybe you should try again.

  4. Siempre digo 'tal vez' cuando no estoy seguro de algo.
    I always say 'maybe' when I'm not sure about something.

  5. Tal vez el problema se resuelva solo.
    Perhaps the problem will resolve itself.

  6. No lo sé, tal vez deberíamos preguntarle a alguien.
    I don’t know, maybe we should ask someone.


"Tal" derives from Latin "talis," meaning "such" or "of such a kind," and "vez" comes from Latin "vicis," which refers to a turn or a time. Together, they express a notion of uncertainty or a kind of conditionality, implying a possibility that is not definite.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Quizás - Puede ser - A lo mejor

Antonyms: - Definitivamente (definitely) - Ciertamente (certainly)
