taladrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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taladrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Taladrar is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To drill
  2. To bore
  3. To perforate

Meaning and Usage

Taladrar refers to the action of making a hole in a material, typically using a drill. In a broader context, it can also signify to penetrate or perforate something. The word is commonly used in various contexts, especially in construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

Frequency of Use: Taladrar is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in technical or industrial discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los trabajadores necesitan taladrar la pared para instalar la estantería.
    The workers need to drill the wall to install the shelving.

  2. Es importante taladrar con cuidado para evitar dañar el material.
    It is important to drill carefully to avoid damaging the material.

  3. Voy a taladrar un agujero en la madera para colocar un tornillo.
    I am going to drill a hole in the wood to place a screw.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "taladrar" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, related forms and contexts can lend to some figurative meanings in specific expressions, often related to persistence or penetration.

Example Sentences with Related Idiomatic Contexts

  1. No dejes que te taladren la cabeza con más ideas.
    Don’t let them drill your head with more ideas.

  2. Me taladran los oídos con tanto ruido.
    My ears are being drilled with so much noise.

  3. A veces, hay que taladrar para encontrar la verdad.
    Sometimes, you have to drill down to find the truth.


The word taladrar comes from the Latin term talarare, meaning to pierce or bore. The root relates to processes involving penetration or creating an opening.


  1. Perforar (to perforate)
  2. Hacer un agujero (to make a hole)


  1. Cerrar (to close)
  2. Sellar (to seal)

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