tas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "tas" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "tas" is a form of the noun "taza," which typically refers to a cup or mug used for drinking beverages, often associated with hot drinks like coffee or tea. Its usage can vary widely depending on regional dialects, but generally, it indicates a vessel for consumption. The word is used equally in both oral and written contexts, though you may find it more frequently in menus or recipes. However, since "tas" is the plural form (the singular being "taza"), it is less common to see it alone without context or modifiers (like "dos tas").

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito dos tas de café para la reunión.
    (I need two cups of coffee for the meeting.)

  2. Ella compró unas tas nuevas para su cocina.
    (She bought some new cups for her kitchen.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tas" itself does not feature heavily in idiomatic expressions, its singular form "taza" does appear in various contexts. Below are examples that include idiomatic expressions using "taza."

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar la taza (to give the cup) - significa aceptar una responsabilidad.
  2. En el trabajo, cuando alguien se va, es importante dar la taza a la persona siguiente.
    (At work, when someone leaves, it's important to pass the cup to the next person.)

  3. La taza de la felicidad - se refiere a tener una vida plena.

  4. Llenar la taza de la felicidad requiere esfuerzo y dedicación.
    (Filling the cup of happiness requires effort and dedication.)

  5. Taza por taza - implica un intercambio o un balance.

  6. En la negociación se llegó a un acuerdo de taza por taza.
    (In the negotiation, an agreement was reached on a give-and-take basis.)


The word "taza" originates from the árabe hispánico ṭāṣa, que proviene del árabe clásico ṭass, que significa 'vaso' o 'taza'. Its adaptation into Spanish retains similar meanings and associations with drinking vessels.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, the word "tas" serves as a useful term in everyday Spanish, particularly when discussing items used for drinking. While it rarely appears in idiomatic expressions, its singular counterpart has various meanings in different contexts.
