temible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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temible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "temible" is an adjective used in Spanish to describe someone or something that inspires fear, dread, or terror. It is often used in contexts where a person, situation, or object is considered formidable or intensely frightening. The term tends to be more common in written contexts, particularly in literature, as well as in formal speeches or discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El monstruo en la película era tan temible que muchos niños se asustaron.
  2. The monster in the movie was so fearsome that many children got scared.

  3. La situación económica del país es temible para la mayoría de los ciudadanos.

  4. The economic situation of the country is dreadful for most citizens.

  5. Su reputación como un guerrero temible lo precede en la batalla.

  6. His reputation as a terrifying warrior precedes him in battle.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Temible" can also appear in various idiomatic expressions that convey fear or apprehension. Here are some examples:

  1. Temible como un tigre — "Fearsome like a tiger."
  2. Su mirada era temible como un tigre, y nadie se atrevía a desafiarlo.
  3. His gaze was fearsome like a tiger, and no one dared to challenge him.

  4. Ser un enemigo temible** — "To be a fearsome enemy."

  5. El general es conocido por ser un enemigo temible en el campo de batalla.
  6. The general is known for being a fearsome enemy on the battlefield.

  7. Temible para sus adversarios — "Dreadful for his opponents."

  8. Su destreza en ajedrez lo hacía temible para sus adversarios.
  9. His skill in chess made him dreadful for his opponents.

  10. Una fama temible** — "A frightening reputation."

  11. La banda tenía una fama temible por su violencia.
  12. The gang had a frightening reputation for its violence.


The term "temible" originates from the Spanish verb "temer," which means "to fear." The addition of the suffix "-ible" denotes that it possesses the quality of being feared, thus forming an adjective. This construction aligns with other adjectives in Spanish that denote capability or tendency.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aterrador (terrifying) - Espantoso (spooky) - Pavoroso (dreadful)

Antonyms: - Atractivo (attractive) - Encantador (charming) - Placentero (pleasant)

In summary, "temible" encompasses a range of contexts where fear or intimidation is a central theme, making it a significant term in the Spanish language.
