temporada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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temporada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "temporada" refers to a distinct period or season characterized by particular conditions, activities, or events. It can be used in various contexts, including seasons of the year (like summer or winter), terms in academic or sporting contexts, and periods in cultural or economic situations. In the Spanish language, "temporada" is frequently used both in oral speech and written contexts, although it might appear more often in written forms when discussing specific events or schedules.

Example Sentences

  1. La temporada de lluvias comienza en mayo.
    The rainy season begins in May.

  2. Este año, la temporada de teatro está llena de obras interesantes.
    This year, the theater season is full of interesting plays.

  3. Durante la temporada alta, los precios de los hoteles aumentan.
    During the high season, hotel prices increase.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Temporada" is commonly found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are several examples:

  1. Estar en temporada baja.
    To be in the low season.
    In tourism, they generally have fewer visitors during the low season.

  2. Llegar la temporada de cosecha.
    To arrive at harvest season.
    When harvest season arrives, the farmers work tirelessly.

  3. Temporada de rebajas.
    Sales season.
    During the sales season, shoppers can find great discounts.

  4. Aprovechar la temporada.
    To take advantage of the season.
    Many people take advantage of the ski season to hit the slopes.

  5. Temporada de exámenes.
    Examination season.
    Students are often very stressed during examination season.


The word "temporada" originates from the Latin term "temporalis," which relates to time. It has evolved into the modern Spanish term, acquiring the specific connotation of a defined period or season.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Período (period) - Época (epoch) - Ciclo (cycle)

Antonyms: - Inmediato (immediate) - Sorpresivo (surprise, in some contexts)

This structure provides a comprehensive understanding of "temporada" in various contexts.
