tenaza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tenaza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

The word "tenaza" refers to a tool used for gripping and lifting objects. It is commonly used in contexts related to physical work, cooking, and medicine. The term has a frequency of use that is higher in written contexts, particularly in technical and instructional texts, but it is also used in oral speech, especially among professionals who work with tools.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito una tenaza para sacar la pieza caliente del horno.
    (I need tongs to take the hot piece out of the oven.)

  2. El médico usó una tenaza para extraer el diente del paciente.
    (The doctor used forceps to extract the patient's tooth.)

  3. Asegúrate de manejar la tenaza con cuidado, ya que puede ser peligrosa.
    (Make sure to handle the tongs carefully, as they can be dangerous.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tenaza" does not appear in many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of proverbs or phrases that convey its essence of gripping or holding tightly.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Estar entre la espada y la tenaza.
    (To be caught between a sword and a pincer.)
    This expression means to be in a difficult situation with no way out.

  2. Tomar algo con tenaza.
    (To take something with tongs.)
    This means to handle a situation or an object with care.

  3. Caer en la tenaza de la rutina.
    (To fall into the pincer of routine.)
    This highlights being trapped in monotony.


The term "tenaza" comes from the Latin word "tenacia," which means "to hold" or "to grasp." This reflects the function of the tool used to grip or hold items securely.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pinza (clip) - Agarradera (gripper)

Antonyms: - Liberar (to release) - Soltar (to loosen)

In summary, "tenaza" is a versatile noun used primarily in various contexts where gripping or holding is needed, reflecting its utility in daily life and technical fields alike.
