"Teniofobia" is a term used in psychiatry to describe the fear of having tapeworms or contracting tapeworm infestations. It is a relatively rare word and is mostly used in written contexts within the medical field.
I have teniofobia and I'm afraid of consuming undercooked meat.
La paciente presentaba síntomas de teniofobia debido a un episodio previo de infestación de tenias.
In Spanish, "teniofobia" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, here are some hypothetical examples where it could be inserted:
Meaning: To fear tapeworms in outdoor areas.
Te veo con la teniofobia a flor de piel
The term "teniofobia" comes from the Greek word "tenía" (ταινία), meaning "tape" or "ribbon" (in reference to the shape of tapeworms), and the suffix "-fobia," derived from the Greek "phobia," meaning fear.