The word "tentativa" is a noun.
In the Spanish language, "tentativa" refers to an attempt or effort to do something. It is commonly used in various contexts but is particularly relevant in legal situations, where it can refer to an attempt to commit a crime (e.g. "tentativa de homicidio" means "attempted homicide"). The frequency of use is moderate, as it can be found in both written and spoken contexts, though it is slightly more prevalent in written texts, especially legal and academic writings.
The attempted robbery was thwarted by the police.
Su tentativa de mejorar las relaciones fue bien recibida.
His attempt to improve relations was well received.
La sentencia estableció que la tentativa de asesinato se castiga con años de prisión.
"Tentativa" is not frequently found in common idiomatic expressions, but it can be a part of phrases that pertain to legal or physical attempts. Here are some relevant examples:
"In an attempt to do something" refers to the intention to act in a specific situation.
"Una tentativa en falso" implica un intento que resulta fallido o sin éxito.
"A false attempt" implies an attempt that turns out to be unsuccessful.
"Tentativa de cambio" sugiere la intención de modificar algo.
"Attempt at change" suggests the intention to modify something.
"Tentativas por mejorar" denota esfuerzos hacia la mejora de una situación.
"Attempts to improve" denotes efforts toward improving a situation.
"Tentativas de acercamiento" se refiere al esfuerzo por estrechar relaciones.
The word "tentativa" originates from the Latin term "tentativus", which means "attempting" or "trying". This, in turn, is derived from "tentar", meaning "to try" or "to attempt".
Overall, "tentativa" is a versatile word used primarily to express attempts in various contexts, particularly in legal and everyday situations, contributing to its significance in the Spanish language.