terminar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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terminar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Terminación is a verb in Spanish. The infinitive form is "terminar," and it is a regular -ar verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To finish
  2. To end
  3. To conclude

Meaning and Usage

"Terminar" means to bring something to an end, to complete something, or to conclude a process. It is commonly used in various contexts, including general conversation, legal documents, and medical situations.

In general, "terminar" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, making it a common verb in everyday language. For instance, people might say "Tengo que terminar mi tarea" (I have to finish my homework) in a casual conversation, or "El contrato terminará a fin de mes" (The contract will end at the end of the month) in a legal context.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a terminar el proyecto hoy.
    (I am going to finish the project today.)

  2. Es importante terminar el tratamiento antes de viajar.
    (It is important to complete the treatment before traveling.)

  3. Todos los caminos terminan en el mar.
    (All roads end at the sea.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "terminar" is a straightforward verb, it can be found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Terminar en la cuerda floja
    (To end up on thin ice)
    La empresa terminó en la cuerda floja por la mala gestión.
    (The company ended up on thin ice due to poor management.)

  2. Terminar de mala manera
    (To end badly)
    La relación terminó de mala manera y no hablamos más.
    (The relationship ended badly, and we didn’t talk anymore.)

  3. Terminar por
    (To end up)
    Terminé por quedarme en casa en lugar de salir.
    (I ended up staying home instead of going out.)

  4. No saber terminar
    (Not knowing how to finish)
    Es un buen escritor, pero no sabe terminar sus historias.
    (He is a good writer, but he doesn’t know how to finish his stories.)


The verb "terminar" comes from the Latin word "terminare," which means to set a boundary or to limit. The root "termin-" refers to limits or boundaries, which is consistent with the meaning of completing or finishing something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Concluir (to conclude) - Finalizar (to finalize) - Completar (to complete)

Antonyms: - Comenzar (to begin) - Iniciar (to initiate) - Empezar (to start)
