terna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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terna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, the term "terna" primarily refers to a set or group of three items. It is often used in various contexts, including mathematics, law, and everyday conversation. In legal contexts, "terna" can refer to a group of three candidates or options from which a choice is to be made, or a list of three individuals considered for a specific position.

The frequency of use for "terna" varies but it tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, especially in academic, legal, and formal settings, rather than in ordinary spoken conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La terna de candidatos para el puesto se dio a conocer ayer.
  2. The set of three candidates for the position was announced yesterday.

  3. En el examen, debía seleccionar una de las respuestas de la terna.

  4. In the exam, I had to select one of the answers from the triplet.

  5. La terna de jueces evaluará los proyectos presentados.

  6. The ternary group of judges will evaluate the submitted projects.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Terna" is used in various idiomatic expressions, particularly in the context of selections or choices in groups of three.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. En este concurso, solo elige entre la terna de finalistas.
  2. In this contest, you only choose among the triplet of finalists.

  3. La terna de opciones presentadas fue muy diversa.

  4. The set of three options presented was very diverse.

  5. La terna de expertos en la materia decidirá el ganador.

  6. The ternary group of experts in the field will decide the winner.

  7. El equipo eligió su terna de jugadores para el mundial.

  8. The team chose its group of three players for the World Cup.

  9. Presentaron una terna de propuestas para el nuevo proyecto.

  10. They presented a triplet of proposals for the new project.


The word "terna" comes from the Latin "ternarius," which means "of three." The root "tern-" relates to the number three, and this root is reflected in various languages that have derived terms related to grouping by three.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This information provides a thorough overview of the word "terna," detailing its meanings, usage context, and relevant expressions throughout different areas of the Spanish language.
