ternera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ternera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "ternera" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "ternera" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is [teɾˈneɾa].

Translation Options into English

  1. Veal
  2. Young cow

Meaning and Usage

"Ternera" refers specifically to the meat of a young cow, particularly one that is still immature and has not yet reached adulthood. It is commonly known for its tenderness and flavor, making it a popular choice in various recipes, especially in Mediterranean and Latin cuisines.

In terms of frequency, "ternera" is commonly used both in oral conversations and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions, restaurant menus, and grocery shopping.

Example Sentences

  1. La ternera es un ingrediente esencial en muchas recetas tradicionales.
    (Veal is an essential ingredient in many traditional recipes.)

  2. Prefiero comprar ternera orgánica para mis platos.
    (I prefer to buy organic veal for my dishes.)

  3. Esta ternera está marinada y lista para asar.
    (This veal is marinated and ready to roast.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ternera" may not be the most common word in idiomatic expressions, but it does appear in some culinary phrases and expressions related to specific dishes. Here are a few examples:

  1. Tener ternera en la mesa
    (To have veal on the table) means to have a good meal or feast prepared, usually involving meat.
  2. Hoy, tenemos ternera en la mesa para celebrar.
    (Today, we have veal on the table to celebrate.)

  3. Cortar la ternera en trozos
    (To cut the veal into pieces) implies thorough preparation or planning.

  4. Antes de cocinar, hay que cortar la ternera en trozos para que se cocine uniformemente.
    (Before cooking, one must cut the veal into pieces so that it cooks evenly.)

  5. A la ternera no le gusta el frío
    (The veal doesn’t like the cold) is an expression that could be used humorously to refer to someone who prefers warm and cozy environments.

  6. Si no abres la ventana, ¡a la ternera no le gusta el frío!
    (If you don’t open the window, the veal won’t like the cold!)


The word "ternera" comes from the Latin "taurina," which refers to a bovine animal. The term evolved over time in the Spanish language, specifically denoting the meat from young cows.

Synonyms and Antonyms
