tildar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tildar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "tildar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "tildar" primarily means to mark with an accent or to label something, often with a connotation of categorizing or assigning a specific characteristic to something. The term can also imply stigmatizing or putting a label on someone or something, particularly in a negative sense.

Frequency of Use:
"Tildar" is commonly used in both oral speech and written contexts, appearing frequently in discussions about language, education, and social issues.

Example Sentences

  1. “El profesor decidió tildar las palabras incorrectas en el examen.”
    “The teacher decided to mark the incorrect words in the exam.”

  2. “No debemos tildar a las personas sin conocer sus historias.”
    “We shouldn't label people without knowing their stories.”

  3. “A menudo, la gente tiende a tildar a los demás por sus elecciones.”
    “People often tend to label others for their choices.”

Idiomatic Expressions

"Tildar" can be an integral part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. "Tildar de loco"
    To label as crazy.
    “Siempre le tildan de loco por sus ideas innovadoras.”
    “They always label him as crazy for his innovative ideas.”

  2. "Tildar a alguien de"
    To label someone as a specific thing (often negatively).
    “No es justo tildar a alguien de perezoso sin conocer su situación.”
    “It’s not fair to label someone as lazy without knowing their situation.”

  3. "Sin tildar"
    Without accent marking (often in a linguistic context).
    “Es importante escribir correctamente las palabras, no las dejes sin tildar.”
    “It's important to write words correctly; don’t leave them without accent marks.”

  4. "Tildar de irresponsable"
    To label as irresponsible.
    “Fue fácil tildar de irresponsable a quien no cumplió con su tarea.”
    “It was easy to label as irresponsible someone who didn’t complete their work.”


The verb "tildar" comes from the Latin "tīlda," which refers to a tilde, an accent mark used in written language. Its usage evolved to include the act of putting a mark or label on something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Marcar (to mark)
- Señalar (to point out)
- Clasificar (to classify)

- Desmarcar (to unmark)
- Ignorar (to ignore)
- Desestimar (to dismiss)
