tirarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tirarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To throw oneself
  2. To jump
  3. To dive

Meaning and Usage

The verb "tirarse" in Spanish generally means to throw oneself or to jump in various contexts. It can be used both literally, such as jumping into a pool, and figuratively, such as psychologically "throwing oneself" into an experience or situation. In Cuba, "tirarse" can also imply engaging in a risky action or undertaking something daring or impulsive. The frequency of use is moderate; it is commonly found in both spoken and written contexts though it might appear more frequently in informal conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella decidió tirarse al agua para refrescarse.
  2. She decided to jump into the water to cool off.

  3. No debes tirarte de ese lugar tan alto.

  4. You shouldn't jump from such a high place.

  5. Me voy a tirar a la piscina.

  6. I'm going to dive into the pool.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "tirarse" is also used in several idiomatic expressions. Below are a few examples:

  1. Tirarse a la piscina.
  2. Meaning: To take a risk or to make a bold decision.
  3. El empresario decidió tirarse a la piscina y lanzar su nuevo producto sin pensarlo mucho.
  4. The entrepreneur decided to take the plunge and launch his new product without thinking too much.

  5. Tirarse por un barranco.

  6. Meaning: To throw oneself into a difficult situation.
  7. No te tires por el barranco solo porque alguien más lo hizo.
  8. Don’t throw yourself into a difficult situation just because someone else did.

  9. Tirarse el muerto.

  10. Meaning: To take the blame or responsibility.
  11. Siempre se tira el muerto cuando algo sale mal en la oficina.
  12. He always takes the blame when something goes wrong in the office.

  13. Tirarse a la aventura.

  14. Meaning: To embark on an adventure or take a daring step.
  15. Decidió tirarse a la aventura y viajar por el mundo sin un plan.
  16. He decided to embark on an adventure and travel the world without a plan.


The verb "tirarse" comes from the Spanish verb "tirar," which means "to throw." The reflexive form "tirarse" indicates that the subject is both performing and receiving the action, often implying self-directed action.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis should provide a good understanding of the word "tirarse" within its various contexts and usages.
