tiroides - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tiroides (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Thyroid
  2. Thyroid gland

Meaning and Usage

The term "tiroides" refers to the butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, which plays a crucial role in the body's metabolism, growth, and development by producing hormones. In the Spanish language, it is predominantly used in medical and anatomical contexts, relating to both descriptions of the gland itself and discussions surrounding thyroid disorders.

Frequency of use is moderate to high in medical settings, academic discussions, and written materials. It is also used conversationally when discussing health matters but is more prevalent in written texts such as medical reports, articles, and textbooks compared to oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El doctor me recomendó realizarme un análisis de tiroides.
  2. The doctor recommended that I get a thyroid test done.

  3. La tiroides produce hormonas que regulan el metabolismo.

  4. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism.

  5. Muchas personas sufren de problemas en la tiroides sin saberlo.

  6. Many people suffer from thyroid problems without knowing it.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tiroides" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it is sometimes part of discussions surrounding endocrynological health. Here are some contextually related phrases involving health and well-being that mention thyroid issues:

  1. "Tener problemas de tiroides"
  2. Translation: To have thyroid problems.
  3. Example: Muchas mujeres mayores tienden a tener problemas de tiroides.

    • Many older women tend to have thyroid problems.
  4. "Estar bajo tratamiento para la tiroides"

  5. Translation: To be under treatment for the thyroid.
  6. Example: Estoy bajo tratamiento para la tiroides y me siento mejor.

    • I am under treatment for the thyroid and I feel better.
  7. "Revisar la tiroides regularmente"

  8. Translation: To check the thyroid regularly.
  9. Example: Es importante revisar la tiroides regularmente para detectar cualquier anomalía.
    • It is important to check the thyroid regularly to detect any anomalies.


The term "tiroides" originates from the griego "thyreos" (θύρεος), meaning "shield," which reflects the shape of the gland. The suffix "-ides" is commonly used in anatomical terms in both Latin and Greek-derived nomenclature.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Glándula tiroides (Thyroid gland) - Tiroides (in a broad context of referring to the entire endocrine function)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms exist in the medical context since "tiroides" refers to a specific gland. However, one could refer to other endocrine glands when discussing different hormones (like adrenal or pituitary glands) in contrast.

In summary, "tiroides" is an essential term in medical and anatomical discussions, especially pertinent to topics surrounding glandular functions and health.
