tiroteo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tiroteo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "tiroteo" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Shooting
  2. Gunfire

Meaning and Usage

"tiroteo" refers to the act of firing a gun or a shooting incident, commonly used to describe situations involving gunfire, especially in a context of violence or crime. In Spanish, it can be used in both formal and informal contexts, though it is more commonly found in written news reports and discussions about crime than in everyday conversation.

The frequency of use may vary depending on the region, but it is generally recognized in countries where gun violence is a relevant social issue. It is more commonly used in written contexts, such as news articles, but can also appear in oral speech discussions about related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. Ayer ocurrió un tiroteo en la escuela secundaria.
  2. Yesterday, a shooting occurred at the high school.

  3. La policía respondió rápidamente al tiroteo en el centro comercial.

  4. The police quickly responded to the shooting at the mall.

  5. Los testigos del tiroteo dieron su declaración a la policía.

  6. The witnesses of the shooting gave their statements to the police.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tiroteo" itself may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in discussions or phrases regarding violence, security, or crime.

  1. Estar en medio de un tiroteo (to be caught in the crossfire)
  2. La persona estaba en medio de un tiroteo entre pandillas.
  3. The person was caught in the crossfire between gangs.

  4. Prevenir un tiroteo (to prevent a shooting)

  5. Las autoridades están trabajando para prevenir un tiroteo en la ciudad.
  6. Authorities are working to prevent a shooting in the city.

  7. Sobrevivir a un tiroteo (to survive a shooting)

  8. A pesar del pánico, muchos lograron sobrevivir al tiroteo.
  9. Despite the panic, many managed to survive the shooting.

  10. Ser víctima de un tiroteo (to be a victim of a shooting)

  11. Lastimosamente, él fue víctima de un tiroteo en su vecindario.
  12. Unfortunately, he was a victim of a shooting in his neighborhood.


The word "tiroteo" stems from the Spanish verb "tirar" which means "to throw" or "to shoot." The suffix "-eo" is used to form nouns signifying an action or result, thus "tiroteo" literally refers to the action of shooting.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Disparo (shot) - Balacera (gunfight)

Antonyms: - Paz (peace) - Tranquilidad (tranquility)
