tisana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tisana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "tisana" refers to a beverage made by infusing herbs, flowers, or leaves in hot water, similar to tea but usually not containing traditional tea leaves (Camellia sinensis). In Spanish, "tisana" is often used to denote a health drink, typically believed to have medicinal properties. It is used in both oral and written contexts, frequently in medical texts, herbalism discussions, and casual conversations about wellness.

Frequency of Use

The word is commonly used, especially in contexts related to natural remedies or traditional medicine. It tends to appear more frequently in written texts, such as health articles and herbal guides, although it is also prevalent in everyday conversation concerning health and wellness.

Example Sentences

  1. "Me preparo una tisana de manzanilla para relajarme antes de dormir."
    "I prepare a chamomile herbal tea to relax before sleeping."

  2. "La tisana de menta es excelente para la digestión."
    "The mint herbal tea is excellent for digestion."

  3. "Tomar una tisana caliente puede aliviar los síntomas del resfriado."
    "Drinking a hot herbal infusion can relieve the symptoms of a cold."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tisana" is not necessarily used in a large number of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in sentences discussing well-being, medicinal practices, or natural remedies. Here are a few sentences incorporating related concepts:

  1. "Una tisana después de la comida ayuda a la digestión."
    "An herbal tea after a meal helps with digestion."

  2. "Siempre tengo una tisana lista ante cualquier resfrío que se presente."
    "I always have an herbal tea ready for any cold that might come up."

  3. "Para los nervios, una tisana de valeriana hace maravillas."
    "For nerves, a valerian herbal tea works wonders."

  4. "La tisana de jengibre y limón es perfecta para calentar el cuerpo en invierno."
    "Ginger and lemon herbal tea is perfect to warm the body in winter."

  5. "Beber una tisana antes de dormir mejora la calidad del sueño."
    "Drinking an herbal infusion before bed improves sleep quality."


The word "tisana" derives from the francés "tisane," which originated from the griego "ptisanē," meaning the bruised barley. Over time, it evolved to refer to herbal infusions in general.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the usage, meaning, and context of "tisana" within the Spanish language.
