titubear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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titubear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Titubear is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Titubear generally refers to the action of moving unsteadily or showing uncertainty, often associated with stumbling or hesitating. It can describe both physical movements, such as staggering while walking, and metaphorical uses, like hesitating in speech or decision-making. The verb is commonly used in both oral and written forms, but it may be encountered more frequently in informal spoken contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ayer, al salir del bar, comencé a titubear al caminar.
    Yesterday, when leaving the bar, I started to stagger while walking.

  2. No te titubees al presentar tu proyecto; demuestra confianza.
    Don't hesitate when presenting your project; show confidence.

  3. Me di cuenta de que titubeaba al hablar en público.
    I realized that I was faltering while speaking in public.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although titubear is not often found in many idiomatic expressions, variations and phrases using the root "titubear" reflect hesitation or uncertainty in decision-making or actions.

  1. Titubear entre dos opciones puede llevar a perder las dos.
    Hesitating between two options may lead to losing both.

  2. No titubees, ¡toma la decisión!
    Don't falter, make the decision!

  3. Titubear en momentos decisivos podría costarte caro.
    Hesitating at decisive moments could cost you dearly.

  4. Es normal titubear la primera vez que enfrentas un reto.
    It's normal to hesitate the first time you face a challenge.

  5. Titubear al contar una historia puede hacer que pierdas la atención del público.
    Hesitating when telling a story can cause you to lose the audience's attention.


The term titubear derives from the Latin word "titubare," which means "to stagger" or "to falter." This Latin root also connects to the notion of instability and hesitation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis highlights titubear as a versatile verb conveying various meanings related to both physical movement and mental hesitance in Spanish.
