toba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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toba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "toba" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Toba (referring to a traditional South American indigenous group)
  2. Toba (as a term for "tobacco" used in certain contexts)
  3. Toba (as a type of natural phenomenon in the context of geology - "tuff")

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "toba" primarily refers to a soft rock formed by the consolidation of volcanic ash. It can also be used to refer to certain indigenous peoples of the Gran Chaco region in South America, and in some contexts, it might refer to tobacco, particularly in informal or regional speech.

Frequency of Use

The term "toba" is relatively specialized, often used in geological or anthropological contexts. It is more frequently found in written texts than in everyday oral speech unless specifically discussing geology or indigenous cultures.

Example Sentences

  1. La toba es un material utilizado a menudo en la construcción debido a su ligereza.
  2. Tuff is a material often used in construction because of its lightness.

  3. Los tobas son un grupo indígena que habita en la región del Gran Chaco.

  4. The Tobas are an indigenous group that lives in the Gran Chaco region.

  5. La toba volcánica puede ser una excelente fuente de fertilizante natural.

  6. Volcanic tuff can be an excellent source of natural fertilizer.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "toba" might not feature prominently in many idiomatic expressions, it often conveys meanings specific to cultural or geological contexts. Here are some related expressions:

  1. Estar como la toba (to be soft/spongy)
  2. Después de la lluvia, la tierra estaba como la toba, demasiado blanda para caminar.
  3. After the rain, the ground was like tuff, too soft to walk on.

  4. Toba de fuego (fire tuff, metaphorically to refer to something that extinguishes quickly)

  5. La decisión que tomaron fue una toba de fuego; se apagó tan pronto como comenzó.
  6. The decision they made was like fire tuff; it went out as quickly as it started.

  7. Tobas que asan (a metaphor used to describe something that's difficult to handle)

  8. En este proyecto, hay tobas que asan por todos lados; necesitamos una solución rápida.
  9. In this project, there are tough situations everywhere; we need a quick solution.


The term "toba" originates from Latin "tuffa," which refers to spongy volcanic rock. It has been adapted into various Romance languages with similar meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tuf (another term for tuff in English) - Rocas volcánicas (volcanic rocks)

Antonyms: - Roca dura (hard rock) - Grava (gravel)

This detailed analysis of the word "toba" provides insight into its meanings, usage, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
