tobillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tobillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/t o.ˈβi.ʎo/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "tobillo" refers specifically to the anatomical structure known as the ankle, which connects the foot to the leg. It plays a crucial role in walking and various other movements. In Spanish, it is used in both everyday and medical contexts, often discussing injuries, pain, sprains, or conditions related to the ankle.

Frequency of Use: The word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, particularly in conversations about health, sports injuries, or anatomy.

Example Sentences

  1. "Me torcí el tobillo mientras corría en el parque."
  2. "I twisted my ankle while running in the park."

  3. "El médico examinó el tobillo para asegurarse de que no había fractura."

  4. "The doctor examined the ankle to make sure there was no fracture."

  5. "Ella tiene un esguince en el tobillo y debe reposar."

  6. "She has a sprain in her ankle and needs to rest."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tobillo" isn't a part of a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it can be found in some phrases, particularly related to health and sports.

  1. "Tener el tobillo torcido."
  2. Meaning: To have a twisted ankle.
  3. Example: "Después de la carrera, tenía el tobillo torcido y mucho dolor."

    • "After the race, I had a twisted ankle and a lot of pain."
  4. "Faltar un tobillo."

  5. Meaning: To be at a disadvantage or incomplete.
  6. Example: "El equipo faltaba un tobillo después de la lesión de su mejor jugador."

    • "The team was at a disadvantage after the injury of its best player."
  7. "No dar un paso sin el tobillo."

  8. Meaning: To be cautious or careful in actions.
  9. Example: "Desde que se torció el tobillo, no da un paso sin el tobillo inmovilizado."
    • "Since she twisted her ankle, she doesn't take a step without her ankle immobilized."


The word "tobillo" derives from the diminutive form of "toblo" or "toblo" (now obsolete), which relates to the term in Latin "talus," referring to the ankle bone. The evolution reflects the anatomical importance and characteristics of the foot's structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Joints (articulación in a broader context) - Ankle joint

Antonyms: - None directly, since "tobillo" is a specific anatomical term, but in a more general health context, one could consider "pie" (foot) or "pierna" (leg) as contrasting structures.
