toca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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toca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options:


The word "toca" has multiple meanings in Spanish. It can refer to the action of touching or coming into contact with something physically, the act of playing music (especially referring to playing an instrument), or striking or hitting something.

In terms of frequency of use, "toca" is a common word in Spanish, particularly in oral speech. It is used in everyday conversations and can be found in written contexts as well, such as literature or formal writing.


  1. Toca la puerta antes de entrar.
    Translation: Knock on the door before entering.

  2. Vamos a tocar música en el concierto esta noche.
    Translation: We are going to play music at the concert tonight.

  3. El carpintero toca la madera para comprobar su calidad.
    Translation: The carpenter taps the wood to check its quality.

Idiomatic Expressions:

  1. "Tocar el cielo"
  2. Tocar el cielo con las manos es su sueño más anhelado.
    Translation: Touching the sky with his hands is his most cherished dream.

  3. "Tocar madera"

  4. Está haciendo buen tiempo, toco madera para que siga así.
    Translation: The weather is nice, I touch wood so it stays this way.

  5. "Tocar fondo"

  6. Después de ese fracaso, pensé que había tocado fondo.
    Translation: After that failure, I thought I had hit rock bottom.


The word "toca" comes from the Latin word "tango, tangere," which means "to touch."

Synonyms and Antonyms: