tocino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tocino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

/t o ˈs i n o/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Tocino refers primarily to bacon, which is a type of salt-cured pork that is typically derived from the belly or back. In a broader context, tocino can also signify fat or lard in culinary terms, often used for cooking or adding flavor to dishes.

The frequency of use for tocino is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions, recipes, and everyday conversations about food. In Argentina, tocino is commonly consumed in various traditional dishes and as a breakfast item.

Example Sentences

  1. "Me gusta agregar tocino a mis ensaladas para darles más sabor."
  2. "I like to add bacon to my salads to give them more flavor."

  3. "El desayuno argentino suele incluir huevos y tocino."

  4. "The Argentine breakfast usually includes eggs and bacon."

  5. "Para hacer una buena pasta carbonara, es esencial utilizar tocino fresco."

  6. "To make a good carbonara pasta, it is essential to use fresh bacon."

Idiomatic Expressions

While tocino might not be part of very prominent idiomatic expressions, in some contexts, it can convey cultural significance, especially in Argentine cuisine. Here are a few related sentences using the word in context:

  1. "Comer tocino con pan es un placer que no se puede resistir."
  2. "Eating bacon with bread is a pleasure that cannot be resisted."

  3. "El tocino puede transformar cualquier plato simple en una delicia."

  4. "Bacon can transform any simple dish into a delight."

  5. "Si quieres impresionar, sirve unos wrap de tocino en la cena."

  6. "If you want to impress, serve some bacon wraps at dinner."

  7. "El tocino siempre está presente en las asadas argentinas."

  8. "Bacon is always present at Argentine barbecues."


Tocino comes from the Latin word 'focinus', which refers to bacon or any cured pork. The term has evolved in the Spanish language particularly pertaining to the style of preparation and consumption within various cultures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Panceta (pancetta, Italian bacon) - Grasa (fat) - Manteca (lard)

Antonyms: - Magro (lean) - Desgrasado (defatted)

By understanding the culinary significance and cultural role of tocino, one can appreciate its usage in everyday language and cuisine, particularly in Argentine contexts.
