tolerante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tolerante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "tolerante" refers to an individual's ability to accept ideas, beliefs, practices, or behaviors that differ from one's own. It often conveys a sense of understanding and patience towards those differing viewpoints. In Spanish, "tolerante" is commonly used in discussions regarding social values, cultural acceptance, and interpersonal relationships. The frequency of use is moderately high, primarily in both oral and written contexts, especially in academic, legal, and social discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante ser tolerante con las diferentes opiniones en una democracia.
    It is important to be tolerant of different opinions in a democracy.

  2. La educación debe promover una actitud tolerante hacia la diversidad.
    Education should promote a tolerant attitude towards diversity.

  3. Aunque no siempre estoy de acuerdo, trato de ser tolerante con las decisiones de los demás.
    Although I don't always agree, I try to be tolerant of others' decisions.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "tolerante" frequently appears in phrases that emphasize acceptance and open-mindedness. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving the word:

  1. Ser tolerante con los demás.
    To be tolerant of others.
    Ejemplo: En nuestra sociedad, es crucial ser tolerante con los demás para fomentar la paz.
    In our society, it's crucial to be tolerant of others to foster peace.

  2. Tolerante pero no condescendiente.
    Tolerant but not condescending.
    Ejemplo: Ella es tolerante pero no condescendiente, lo que la hace una gran líder.
    She is tolerant but not condescending, which makes her a great leader.

  3. Más tolerante hacia las diferencias.
    More tolerant towards differences.
    Ejemplo: Debemos ser más tolerantes hacia las diferencias culturales en nuestra comunidad.
    We must be more tolerant of cultural differences in our community.

  4. La tolerancia es la base de una buena convivencia.
    Tolerance is the foundation of good coexistence.
    Ejemplo: La tolerancia es la base de una buena convivencia en cualquier sociedad multicultural.
    Tolerance is the foundation of good coexistence in any multicultural society.


The word "tolerante" derives from the Latin "tolerans," which means "enduring" or "sustaining." The root of this word, "tolerare," means to bear or to support, reflecting the core concept of accepting or enduring differences.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview illustrates the various facets of the word "tolerante" and its significance in the Spanish language.
