Usage: The word "toletole" is commonly used in oral speech in Colombia and Venezuela. It is a colloquial term used to refer to gossip, rumors, or hearsay. This word is not frequently used in written Spanish.
¡Déjate de toletole y cuéntame la verdad!
English: Stop with the gossip and tell me the truth!
¿Has oído el toletole que anda corriendo sobre ellos?
English: Have you heard the rumors going around about them?
Toletole is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Colombian and Venezuelan Spanish:
Estar en toletole
English: To be the subject of gossip/rumors
No dar toletole
English: To not spread rumors/gossip
Andar de toletole en toletole
English: To go from one gossip/rumor to another
The origin of the term "toletole" is uncertain, but it is believed to be an onomatopoeic word that mimics the sound of chatter or gossip.
Synonyms: chisme, rumor, cotilleo
Antonyms: verdad, realidad, certeza