toma - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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toma (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "toma" is primarily a noun in Spanish. It can also function as a conjugated form of the verb "tomar," specifically the third person singular (ella/él/usted) of the present indicative form.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Take
  2. Shot (as in "taking a shot" or "photo")
  3. Capture
  4. Intake

Meaning and Usage

The word "toma" has several meanings based on the context:

  1. General Use: It can refer to the act of taking something or capturing it.
  2. Law: In legal terms, it could refer to the act of taking possession of something, often used in the context of confiscation or legal seizure.
  3. Technical/Polytechnical: In technical jargon, it may refer to the act of taking energy from a source, such as in electrical engineering where it can refer to a power take-off.
  4. Colloquial: In some Latin American countries, it can mean “a shot” as in a drink or a quick intake of something, often used in social contexts.

Frequency of Use

"Toma" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts but may be more frequent in informal oral conversations due to its colloquialisms.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "toma" is part of several idiomatic expressions, illustrating its versatility in the Spanish language:


The word "toma" originates from the Latin verb "toma," derived from "capere," which means "to take." It evolved through Old Spanish into its current form, retaining the same basic meaning of taking or seizing.

Synonyms and Antonyms


