tomo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tomo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word tomo is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

The word tomo refers to a book that is part of a series or a volume of a collected work. It is often used in literary or academic contexts to describe one of the segments that contribute to the entirety of a multi-part publication. The frequency of its use is moderate: it is more commonly seen in written texts, especially in literary discussions or academic references, than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El primer tomo de la novela fue muy emocionante.
  2. The first volume of the novel was very exciting.

  3. Necesito el segundo tomo del enciclopedia para completar mi investigación.

  4. I need the second volume of the encyclopedia to complete my research.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word tomo is less frequently seen in idiomatic expressions compared to verbs or adjectives, but it can be part of phrases related to book volumes or extensive literature.

  1. Libro por libro, tomo por tomo.
  2. Book by book, volume by volume.
  3. This expression emphasizes the detailed and thorough process of reading or studying.

  4. Cada tomo cuenta una historia diferente.

  5. Each volume tells a different story.
  6. This suggests that each part of a series has its own unique narrative.

  7. No hay tomo que no guarde un secreto.

  8. There is no volume that does not hold a secret.
  9. This conveys the notion that every book contains knowledge or mysteries waiting to be discovered.


The word tomo comes from the Latin tomus, which means "a section or volume of a larger book." In Latin, it is derived from tomare, which means "to cut," reflecting how a complete work may be divided into separate parts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This breakdown provides a comprehensive overview of the word tomo in Spanish, covering its meaning, usage, examples, and more.
