tonel - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tonel (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Tonel is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, tonel refers to a large barrel, usually made of wood, used for storing liquids, particularly wine and other beverages. It can also refer to a similar large container used for other purposes. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to winemaking, storage, and shipping. Its frequency of use is moderate, especially in regions known for wine production.

Example Sentences

  1. El vino maduró en un tonel durante tres años.
  2. The wine matured in a barrel for three years.

  3. El tonel de aceite estaba ubicado en la cocina del restaurante.

  4. The barrel of oil was located in the restaurant's kitchen.

  5. Se necesita un tonel para almacenar la cerveza casera.

  6. A barrel is needed to store the homemade beer.

Idiomatic Expressions

While tonel itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, its concept of volume and storage lends itself to expressions related to abundance or large quantities. Here are some idiomatic usages:

  1. "Llenar un tonel sin fondo" - To fill a bottomless barrel.
  2. Signifies doing something futile or a task that never ends.
  3. Translation: "It's like filling a bottomless barrel."

  4. "No hay tonel que aguante tanto" - There's no barrel that can hold that much.

  5. Used when discussing excessive amounts or overindulgence.
  6. Translation: "There’s no barrel that can hold that much."

  7. "Hacer toneles de vino" - To make wine barrels.

  8. Often used metaphorically to describe the process of creating something valuable over time.
  9. Translation: "To make wine barrels."

  10. "Un tonel de risa" - A barrel of laughs.

  11. Referring to something very funny or enjoyable.
  12. Translation: "A barrel of laughs."


The word tonel is derived from the Latin word tunella, which is a diminutive of tuna, meaning a cask or a barrel. Over time, the term evolved in the Spanish language to specifically refer to the larger barrels commonly used for storage.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Barril (barrel) - Bodega (wine cellar, warehouse)

Antonyms: - Botella (bottle) - Caja (box)

This information captures the essence of the word tonel, allowing for a deeper understanding of its usage and context in the Spanish language.
