tono - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tono (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Tono is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Tono primarily refers to the quality or character of a sound or shade of color. In the context of music, it describes the key in which a piece is composed. It can also denote the pitch of a voice or instrument. In everyday language, it is used frequently in conversations related to music, painting, and even in describing the emotional quality of discussions.

In Spanish, its frequency of use is high both in oral and written contexts, especially in areas such as music, art, and visual media.

Example Sentences

  1. El tono de la canción era muy melancólico.
  2. The tone of the song was very melancholic.

  3. Ella eligió un tono pastel para pintar la habitación.

  4. She chose a pastel tone to paint the room.

  5. Necesitamos ajustar el tono del violín para que suene correctamente.

  6. We need to adjust the pitch of the violin so it sounds right.

Idiomatic Expressions

Tono is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Tono de voz: This expression refers to the tone of voice used in communication, indicating emotions or attitudes.
  2. Su tono de voz era tan amable que me hizo sentir bienvenido.

    • Her tone of voice was so kind that it made me feel welcome.
  3. A otro tono: This phrase suggests a different approach or perspective.

  4. Si continuamos en otro tono, podríamos llegar a un acuerdo.

    • If we continue in a different tone, we might reach an agreement.
  5. Bajar el tono: This means to lower the intensity of a discussion or disagreement.

  6. Es mejor bajar el tono si queremos resolver este conflicto.

    • It’s better to lower the tone if we want to resolve this conflict.
  7. Subir el tono: This means to escalate a situation or argument.

  8. No deberíamos subir el tono, podríamos hacer más daño.

    • We shouldn’t escalate the tone, we could cause more harm.
  9. El tono cambia: This expression indicates that a situation or mood has changed.

  10. El tono cambia cuando entran personas desconocidas en la conversación.
    • The tone changes when unfamiliar people enter the conversation.


The word tono originates from the Latin word tonus, which also means "tone" or "tension," often associated with sound and music.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This information provides a comprehensive understanding of the term tono in various contexts and its applications in Spanish.
