topetada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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topetada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Topetada" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/t o.p e.ˈt a.ð a/

Translation Options into English

  1. bump
  2. collision
  3. crash

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "topetada" refers to a sudden collision or bump, often used to describe an accident involving vehicles or a physical impact between objects. It conveys the idea of an abrupt and usually unwanted contact. The term is utilized more in colloquial speech compared to formal written contexts. It is relatively common in everyday conversation, especially when discussing minor accidents or impacts.

Example Sentences

  1. Tuve un accidente porque me dieron una topetada por detrás.
    I had an accident because I got bumped from behind.

  2. La topetada en la calle causó un gran embotellamiento.
    The collision on the street caused a big traffic jam.

  3. Cuidado al jugar, no quiero que te des una topetada.
    Be careful while playing, I don’t want you to bump into something.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Topetada" is not a common component of fixed idiomatic expressions, but it can be observed in certain contexts that involve collision or accidents. Below are a few example phrases incorporating the word in a colloquial manner:

  1. No lo tomes a mal, solo fue una topetada sin querer.
    Don't take it the wrong way; it was just an unintentional bump.

  2. Después de la topetada, todos se bajaron del coche para ver los daños.
    After the crash, everyone got out of the car to see the damage.

  3. La topetada entre los dos coches fue leve, pero aún así llamaron a las aseguradoras.
    The bump between the two cars was minor, but they still called the insurers.

  4. El galgador sufrió una topetada al intentar adelantar al coche.
    The racer suffered a bump while trying to overtake the car.

  5. A veces, una topetada puede ser la razón de un gran problema.
    Sometimes, a little bump can lead to a big problem.


The word "topetada" originates from the root "topete," which means a bump or protrusion. It is derived from the verb "topar," meaning to bump into or collide. This connection highlights the idea of impact or sudden contact inherent in the meaning of the word.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Colisión (collision) - Golpe (hit) - Choque (crash)

Antonyms: - Separación (separation) - Distancia (distance) - Suavidad (softness)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the usage, meaning, and relevant information regarding the word "topetada" in the Spanish language.
