topetar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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topetar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Topetar" is a verb primarily used in the context of bumping into or colliding with something, typically referring to a slightly forceful and often unexpected contact. It is commonly used in informal speech and expresses a sudden action, often leading to an unintended consequence. The verb is somewhat frequent in daily conversations but may not be as commonly found in formal or written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Me topeté con la puerta y me hice daño.
    I bumped into the door and hurt myself.

  2. Los coches se topetaron en la esquina de la calle.
    The cars collided at the corner of the street.

  3. Nunca debes topetar las paredes mientras corres.
    You should never bump into the walls while running.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "topetar" is not deeply entrenched in idiomatic expressions, the action it describes may be used metaphorically in informal contexts. Here are some related phrases:

  1. "Topetar con la realidad."
    Bumping into reality.
    He finally bumped into reality when he lost his job.

  2. "No topetes con lo que no conoces."
    Don’t bump into what you don’t know.
    Don't get involved in things you don't understand.

  3. "Topetar las expectativas."
    Bumping against expectations.
    Sometimes we bump against expectations that are too high.


The verb "topetar" originates from the Spanish word "topete," which refers to a bump or a protruding part. Over time, the verb has developed into its current usage, emphasizing the action of bumping or colliding.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Chocar (to collide) - Golpear (to hit) - Impactar (to impact)

Antonyms: - Evitar (to avoid) - Esquivar (to dodge) - Separar (to separate)
