traca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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traca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "traca" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription in International Phonetic Alphabet: /ˈtɾaka/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "traca" generally refers to a loud noise or explosion, often associated with firecrackers or fireworks. The word is often used in contexts surrounding celebrations, festivals, or events that include fireworks. Its frequency of use is relatively moderate and tends to appear more frequently in oral speech during festivities, though it can also be found in written texts describing events.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante las fiestas, la traca se oyó en toda la ciudad.
    During the festivities, the banging could be heard throughout the city.

  2. Los niños se asustaron con la traca del cohete.
    The children were scared by the bang of the rocket.

  3. Me encanta la traca que hacen los fuegos artificiales.
    I love the crack that the fireworks make.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "traca" is integral in some idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are a few examples:

  1. "No hay traca sin bomba."
    There is no bang without a bomb. (This often implies that significant events or developments come with some form of disruption or noise.)

  2. "La traca final."
    The final bang. (Used to describe the climax or most exciting part of an event, often in relation to celebrations.)

  3. "Hacer traca."
    To make a noise. (Refers to making a distraction or causing unrest, often used informally to describe someone causing a scene.)

  4. "Traca y a rodar."
    Bang and roll. (An expression used to indicate that something has been set in motion, typically used in discussions about adventure or risk.)


The word "traca" is of Spanish origin, derived from the Catalan word "traca," which means "crackle" or "bang." It historically relates to the sounds made by firecrackers during celebrations. The use of "traca" has evolved through regional adaptations across the Spanish-speaking world.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Bum (an informal term for an explosion or loud noise)
- Estallido (blast or burst)

- Silencio (silence)
- Calma (calm)

In summary, "traca" carries connotations of sound and celebration, significant in festive contexts while also appearing in various idiomatic expressions that reflect its dynamic usage in Spanish.
