tradicional - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tradicional (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/tradiθioˈnal/ (Castilian Spanish)
/trædiˈʃənl/ (Latin American Spanish, for reference on English pronunciation)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term tradicional is used in the Spanish language to describe something that is related to or based on tradition. This could pertain to customs, practices, beliefs, or ways of life passed down through generations. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, and it is a frequently encountered descriptor in discussions about culture, heritage, and long-standing practices.

Frequency of Use: Quite common in both speech and writing, especially in cultural, historical, and legal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Las festividades tradicionales son una parte importante de nuestra cultura.
    Traditional festivities are an important part of our culture.

  2. La forma tradicional de hacer pan ha sido respetada por muchos siglos.
    The traditional way of making bread has been upheld for many centuries.

  3. Es importante valorar el conocimiento tradicional que nos han transmitido nuestros ancianos.
    It is important to value the traditional knowledge that our elders have passed down to us.

Idiomatic Expressions

Tradicional is often involved in various idiomatic expressions that emphasize cultural significance or customary practices. Here are a few examples:

  1. Vestido tradicional:
    Se puso un vestido tradicional para la ceremonia.
    She wore a traditional dress for the ceremony.

  2. Prácticas tradicionales:
    Las prácticas tradicionales son esenciales para la identidad de un pueblo.
    Traditional practices are essential for the identity of a community.

  3. Cocina tradicional:
    La cocina tradicional de este país es conocida por sus sabores auténticos.
    The traditional cuisine of this country is known for its authentic flavors.

  4. Rituales tradicionales:
    Los rituales tradicionales ayudan a mantener viva nuestra historia.
    Traditional rituals help keep our history alive.

  5. Música tradicional:
    Disfrutamos de la música tradicional durante la fiesta.
    We enjoyed traditional music during the festival.


The word "tradicional" originates from the latinate word "traditio," which means 'to hand over' or 'to deliver.' This concept revolves around the passing down of customs or beliefs, reflecting the essence of what tradition signifies.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview captures the significance of tradicional in both linguistic and cultural frameworks within the Spanish language.
