traductor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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traductor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Traductor is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ tɾaˈðuktoɾ /

Translation Options into English

  1. Translator
  2. Interpreter (context-dependent)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, traductor refers to a person or a tool that translates text or spoken dialogue from one language to another. In legal, technical, and general contexts, the term is widely used to describe professionals or software that facilitate communication across languages. It is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in industries that rely on multilingual communication such as law, diplomacy, and international business.

Frequency of Use

The term is commonly used; however, it might appear more often in written contexts, especially in legal and technical documentation, reports, and academic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El traductor me ayudó a entender el documento legal.
    The translator helped me understand the legal document.

  2. Ella trabaja como traductor para una organización internacional.
    She works as a translator for an international organization.

  3. El traductor automático a veces comete errores.
    The automatic translator sometimes makes mistakes.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Traductor"

While "traductor" itself is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it is involved in contexts that highlight the function of translation or interpretation in a figurative manner.

Example Sentences

  1. Ser el traductor de las emociones es una habilidad clave para un consejero.
    Being the translator of emotions is a key skill for a counselor.

  2. Sin un buen traductor, la esencia del mensaje se pierde.
    Without a good translator, the essence of the message is lost.

  3. A veces, el traductor de un idioma a otro es el puente entre dos culturas.
    Sometimes, the translator from one language to another is the bridge between two cultures.

  4. Aunque tenga un traductor, es recomendable conocer el idioma.
    Even if you have a translator, it is advisable to know the language.

  5. El traductor no solo traduce palabras, sino también significados.
    The translator does not only translate words but also meanings.


The word traductor comes from the Latin "traductor," which means "one who carries across" (from "traducere" - "to lead across" or "to bring across"), derived from "trans," meaning "across," and "ducere," which means "to lead."

Synonyms and Antonyms


