traficante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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traficante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Trafıcante is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /tɾa.fiˈkan.te/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, traficante generally refers to a person who engages in illicit trade activities, most commonly associated with drugs, weapons, or human trafficking. The term has a negative connotation and is often used in legal contexts, especially in discussions about criminal activity.

Frequency of Use: The word is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in news articles, legal documents, and discussions surrounding crime and law enforcement.

Example Sentences

  1. El traficante de drogas fue arrestado por la policía esta mañana.
  2. The trafficker of drugs was arrested by the police this morning.

  3. Muchos años de prisión son la consecuencia para un traficante de personas.

  4. Many years in prison are the consequence for a smuggler of people.

  5. La inteligencia de la policía logró desmantelar la red de un traficante internacional.

  6. The police intelligence managed to dismantle the network of an international dealer.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although traficante itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it is often combined with other words or concepts related to illegal activities. Below are some related idiomatic expressions that feature the context of "traficante":

  1. Estar en manos de un traficante
  2. Estar en manos de un traficante de humanos es una situación angustiante.
  3. Being in the hands of a human smuggler is a distressing situation.

  4. Caer en la red de traficantes

  5. Muchos jóvenes caen en la red de traficantes de drogas y pierden su futuro.
  6. Many young people fall into the net of drug traffickers and lose their future.

  7. Negocios con traficantes

  8. No deberías involucrarte en negocios con traficantes, es muy peligroso.
  9. You shouldn't get involved in business with traffickers, it's very dangerous.

  10. Cazadores de traficantes

  11. La policía se ha convertido en cazadores de traficantes de armas.
  12. The police have become hunters of arms traffickers.


The word traficante originates from the Spanish verb traficar, which means "to traffic" or "to deal in illicit goods." The root trafic- comes from the Latin traffico, which is derived from traffĭcus, meaning "trade" or "commerce." The suffix -ante is a common ending in Spanish used to denote agents performing an action.

Synonyms and Antonyms
