traficar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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traficar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "traficar" in Spanish refers to the act of dealing or trading, often in an illegal manner. It is commonly associated with the illegal trade of goods, especially drugs, weapons, or other contraband. The frequency of use for "traficar" is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, particularly in conversations or articles discussing crime, economics, and law.

Example Sentences

  1. Los policías arrestaron a un grupo que intentaba traficar drogas.
    The police arrested a group that was trying to traffic drugs.

  2. Es un delito traficar con armas en este país.
    It is a crime to traffic weapons in this country.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "traficar" doesn't have many established idiomatic expressions, but it is associated with a few phrases and constructions related to illegal activities.

  1. Traficar a gran escala
    Traffic on a large scale
    El cartel de drogas se dedica a traficar a gran escala.
    The drug cartel is engaged in trafficking on a large scale.

  2. Traficar humanos
    Traffic humans
    Organizaciones ilegales intentan traficar humanos a través de la frontera.
    Illegal organizations try to traffic humans across the border.

  3. Traficar mercancías ilegales
    Traffic illegal goods
    Las autoridades trabajan duro para prevenir la práctica de traficar mercancías ilegales.
    The authorities are working hard to prevent the practice of trafficking illegal goods.


The word "traficar" comes from the Latin root "traffico," which means to traffic or trade. The prefix "tra-" indicates transference, while "-ficar" is a verb-forming suffix.

Synonyms and Antonyms
