traje - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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traje (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "traje" refers primarily to a suit or outfit, especially in a formal context. In everyday Spanish, it can describe any kind of clothing but often pertains to a set of clothing designed for specific events or occasions, like business or formal gatherings.

"Traje" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in written forms when discussing fashion, formal events, or legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El traje que llevaste a la boda era muy elegante.
    (The suit you wore to the wedding was very elegant.)

  2. Compré un traje nuevo para la entrevista de trabajo.
    (I bought a new outfit for the job interview.)

  3. Lleva un traje de baño bajo la ropa.
    (He is wearing a swimsuit under the clothes.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "traje" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions but can be involved in a few phrases and usages.

  1. Traje a la medida
    (Custom-made suit)
  2. Example: Siempre soñé con tener un traje a la medida hecho de buen material.
    (I have always dreamed of having a custom-made suit made of good material.)

  3. Traje de gala
    (Formal outfit)

  4. Example: Tendremos que usar un traje de gala para la cena de premios.
    (We will have to wear formal outfits for the awards dinner.)

  5. Como el traje no le quedaba bien, decidió cambiarlo.
    (Since the suit didn't fit him well, he decided to change it.)


The word "traje" originates from the Latin word "tractus," which means 'a pulling' or 'a drawing.' Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to refer to attire or clothes that are worn, particularly outfits that are assembled for formal occasions or specific functions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Atavío - Vestimenta - Atuendo

Antonyms: - Desnudez (nakedness) - Despojo (undressing)

This comprehensive understanding of "traje" reveals its significance in everyday language and its formal use beyond the mere description of clothing.
