trajinar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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trajinar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Trajinar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

Trajinar refers to the action of moving around frequently, being busy, or transporting items, often with a sense of effort or in a bustling manner. It conveys a sense of activity, particularly in an environment where a lot is happening. It's moderately used in both oral and written Spanish, but it tends to appear more in spoken contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Trajinar por la ciudad en horas pico puede ser realmente extenuante.
  2. Translation: Bustling around the city during peak hours can be really exhausting.

  3. Cuando tenemos visitantes, siempre hay que trajinar las cosas en casa para que todo se vea perfecto.

  4. Translation: When we have visitors, we always have to hustle around the house to make everything look perfect.

  5. El camión sigue trajinar las mercancías entre las dos ciudades.

  6. Translation: The truck continues to transport goods between the two cities.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Trajinar"

While trajinar may not be as commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions compared to other verbs, it does occur in specific contexts that highlight its meaning of movement and busyness.

  1. Estoy en medio de un trajinar de trabajo que nunca termina.
  2. Translation: I’m in the midst of a hustle at work that never ends.

  3. El trajinar de los vendedores en el mercado es incesante.

  4. Translation: The hustle of the vendors at the market is relentless.

  5. No me gusta trajinar sin un propósito claro.

  6. Translation: I don’t like to bustle around without a clear purpose.


The word trajinar comes from the Spanish noun trajín, which denotes busyness or hustle. The roots of trajín can be traced back to Middle Spanish and are linked to the idea of transporting goods or working energetically.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Trasladar (to move) - Transportar (to transport) - Mover (to move)

Antonyms: - Reposar (to rest) - Estar quieto (to be still) - Permanecer (to remain)

This comprehensive breakdown illustrates both the richness of the word trajinar and its contextual applications across different Spanish-speaking regions.
