trama - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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trama (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Trama" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "trama" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈtɾama/.

Translation Options into English

The word "trama" can be translated into English as: - Plot (in literature) - Fabric weft - Tissue (in anatomy)

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The term "trama" has several meanings based on the context in which it is used:

  1. General/Literary Context: Refers to the sequence of events and the structure of a story or narrative, often synonymous with "argomento" (argument) or "historia" (story).
  2. Textile Context: Denotes the weft of a fabric, which is the threads woven crosswise through the warp.
  3. Anatomy Context: Refers to the tissue or arrangement of fibers in an organ or part of the body.

"Trama" is frequently used across various contexts and is prevalent in both oral and written forms of communication, particularly in academic, literary, and textile discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La trama de la novela es muy intrigante y está llena de giros inesperados.
  2. The plot of the novel is very intriguing and full of unexpected twists.

  3. El tejido de la alfombra tiene una trama muy densa, lo que la hace duradera.

  4. The fabric of the carpet has a very dense weave, making it durable.

  5. La trama del corazón está compuesta de diferentes tipos de tejido muscular.

  6. The tissue of the heart is made up of different types of muscle tissue.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "trama" itself is not frequently part of idiomatic expressions, it is tightly linked to storytelling and narrative structures where phrases involving "trama" may be thematic. However, contexts often shift focus rather than establish fixed idioms.

  1. "Desenredar la trama" (to unravel the plot) - Se necesita tiempo para desenredar la trama de la historia de amor.
  2. It takes time to unravel the plot of the love story.

  3. "Trama de intriga" (plot of intrigue) - La trama de intriga mantuvo a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos.

  4. The plot of intrigue kept the viewers on the edge of their seats.

  5. "Tejer una trama" (to weave a plot) - El autor tejió una trama compleja que cautivó a los lectores.

  6. The author wove a complex plot that captivated the readers.


The word "trama" comes from Latin "trama," meaning "a web" or "fabric." It retains this fundamental notion related to woven material or interconnected elements throughout its various applications in modern Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Argomento (in literary context) - Historia (in literary context) - Tela (in textile context) - Tejido (in anatomical context)

Antonyms: - Desenredo (in literary context: plot resolution) - Caos (in literary context: chaos)

In summary, "trama" demonstrates a rich semantic range across various domains, from literature to physiology, while embodying deep cultural and linguistic connections in the Spanish language.
