tramitar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tramitar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "tramitar" is commonly used in both general and legal contexts in Spanish. It refers to the act of processing or handling a request, application, or document, usually within an official or bureaucratic setting. The frequency of use is fairly high, particularly in written contexts such as legal documents, administrative procedures, and formal communication, although it can also be found in oral speech when discussing administrative tasks or legal processes.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario tramitar la visa antes de viajar.
  2. It is necessary to process the visa before traveling.

  3. Voy a tramitar mis documentos de identificación esta semana.

  4. I am going to handle my identification documents this week.

  5. El abogado se encargará de tramitar el caso.

  6. The lawyer will take care of processing the case.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Tramitar" can often be found in a variety of idiomatic expressions, reflecting its administrative and procedural connotations:

  1. Tramitar un trámite.
  2. To process a procedure.
  3. Example: "Ese es el primer paso para tramitar un trámite en la oficina."
  4. "That is the first step to process a procedure at the office."

  5. Tramitar con diligencia.

  6. To process diligently.
  7. Example: "Debemos tramitar con diligencia las solicitudes para no atrasarnos."
  8. "We must process the applications diligently to avoid delays."

  9. Tramitar a través de la burocracia.

  10. To handle through bureaucracy.
  11. Example: "Es frustrante tramitar a través de la burocracia para obtener el permiso."
  12. "It is frustrating to handle through the bureaucracy to obtain the permit."

  13. Tramitar un reclamo.

  14. To process a claim.
  15. Example: "Tengo que tramitar un reclamo por el daño en mi propiedad."
  16. "I have to process a claim for the damage to my property."

  17. Tramitar una solicitud.

  18. To process an application.
  19. Example: "Ellos tardan mucho en tramitar una solicitud de empleo."
  20. "They take a long time to process a job application."


The verb "tramitar" comes from the Latin word "transmittere," which means "to send across." Over time, it evolved into the Spanish term that encompasses the idea of dealing with or processing information, especially in administrative contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gestionar (to manage) - Procesar (to process) - Administrar (to administer) - Manejar (to handle)

Antonyms: - Desestimar (to dismiss) - Negar (to deny) - Ignorar (to ignore)

This comprehensive overview of "tramitar" highlights its significance in both everyday and legal language, illustrating its functional use within bureaucratic contexts.
